Tuesday 26 March 2013

Cool Photo Card Insert images

What's in my bag these days
photo card insert
Image by bignoseduglyguy
A comparison shot of what I tote today against the stuff I was carrying in November 2004, my off-duty bag in March 2005 and August 2005.

Whats' in My Bag? Packed
photo card insert
Image by brewbooks
Here is the packed photo - - this is what I brought (and acquired) on a 32 day trip to Australia. One challenge is that I had to pack for weather ranging form tropical (Daintree Rain forest and Great barrier Reef) to Urban (Sydney, Melbourne) to Alpine (Overland Track in Tasmania)

Items I Brought>

- 2 pairs of Superfeet shoe inserts
- ASICS Running shoes
- Asolo hiking boots (well broken in, worn on all airplane flights)
- Spare pair of inserts (I need these and I walk a lot)
- Medium weight OR Gloves
- A lot of warm clothes for Overland Track (will list further breakdown...)
- Thermal underwear (2 pairs)
- Old gray vest with a couple of pockets (decrepit, but useful)
- Australian Bird Book by Slater
- Kindle (with ~ 80 books, glad I have the extra 4 GByte card)
- Canon EOS 40D manual
- Canon EOS 40D tutorial book
- Lowe Camera bag - which I used to carry around my
Canon EOS 40D and 24-70 lens (a heavy combo).
Also lens cleaner, spare battery and polarizer
Hiking gear
- 750 ml watter bottle (two)
- First aid kit
- Emergency gear (compass, knife, repair kit, whistle, spare food,
headlamp, flashlight, spare glasses)
- Jublo prescription glacier glasses
- Cradle Mountain-Lake St. Clair National Park Map
Other Stuff
- Blackberry
- Kindle, Blackberry, Canon 40D, Canon 850 chargers
- Medicine
- Many types of sunscreen - I am either chalk white or beet red.
- Moleskine 64 page notebook (brought 3, used 2)
- My bag - an old roller bag that has endured many trips
- Granite Gear compression bag - carried a lot of hiking clothes compressed
- A small Kiva Designs pack - it's gone on many trips, almost shot, had to get thread and needle and sew a ripped seam in Melbourne - but it still works!
- Itinerary - where we were going with dates and phone numbers etc.

Items I Bought
- Poster of North Queensland Coast
- Photography Book- Capturing the World by Darren Leal
- The Anzacs by Patsy_Adam-Smith (quite interesting author)
I wanted to know more of Anzac history - this was highly recommended
- Leonardo's Lost Robots by robotics engineer Mark Elling Rosheim
I bought this at a Leonardo museum exhibit in Melbourne
- Leonardo Da Vinci 'Anatomy to Robots' exhibit catalog www.davincimelbourne.com.au/index.html
- old Australian Geographics that a bookstore owner gave me in Bowral, NSW
- Tasmania books and maps
The Rock Which Makes Tasmania by David Leaman
- 5th edition of Cradle Mountain Lake St Clair and Walls of Jerusalem National Park by John Chapman, Monica Chapman & John Siseman
- Emergence a sci-fi novel by Ray Hammond
which I bought in Bowral, NSW
- A laminated summary of The Metamorphosis of Plants by
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe from Mount Tomah Botanical Garden,
in the Blue Mountains, NSW
- The first issue (1952) of the journal Diogenes - a transdisciplinary journal of science and the humanities
- Miscellaneous Notes, maps and brochures in a plastic portfolio

Australia oz2009 640

Apple Newton ARMageddon (Front)
photo card insert
Image by pablo_marx
When inserted into a Mac, the normal "Welcome to Macintosh" boot sequence is interrupted with this image.

Egger says this board needs additional software to run:

You must launch the Armageddon application or have a BunWarmer or Armistice card before running your image.

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